Web Serials 

Web serials are books that are written, or at least posted, online a chapter at a time and they cover a wide variety of genres. They can be a great way to fill in the gaps when you are looking for something to read but are running low on funds or have exhausted the local Library’s options. They are also free which is always hard to beat.  Below is a list of websites I like to look around on for stories. diving into these websites is a task in and of itself so as I have time I will probably expand this page and maybe write a post or two about them. For now, this page serves to introduce you to web novels if you haven’t heard of them before and allow you to get your feet wet.


Wattpad – I only recently got into Wattpad and don’t really have any recommendations for specific stories right now. That being said there are a ton of stories posted on there, in a wide range of genres, and I am sure you can find something you would enjoy reading if you take a look. 




Royal Road – Royal Road takes its name from a Korean Light Novel named Legendary Moonlight Sculptor with Royal Road being the video game that the main character in that story plays. The site mainly has fantasy/scifi/GameLit stories. Check out the “Popular this Week” or “Best-Rated” lists under the “Read” tab to get the creme of the crop. Often times you will see this site abbreviated to RR in Facebook groups and discussion boards. Some of the stories you will find on this site you will also find on topwebfiction.com.

RR Stories I follow:




Topwebfiction.comThis website allows visitors to vote on their favorite stories. It overlaps a bit with the other websites but still offers some great recommendations. 

Stories I follow:





Wuxia Xianxia 

These are translated web novels from China/Korea that have to do with Cultivators that gather energy from the world around them that allows them to live for thousands of years and gives them access to strength and abilities well beyond the human norm.  Translation quality will differ from story to story even on the same web site and you will also be exposed to various idioms unique to China and Korea that will usually be explained by the translator. Eventually, if you read enough of them you will pick up on quite a few of them and won’t need the translator notes. These web novels usually have thousands of chapters and there are quite a few that are finished.  

The three main website you can find these stories at are Wuxiaworld, Gravity Tales, and Novel Updates.

If this is the first time you have heard of these stories I would recommend starting with A Will Eternal,  Coiling Dragon (finished),  Lord of All Realms or Will Wight’s Cradle series.