Why Did I start this Site?

Upon coming across this site I am positive that you were filled with a burning desire to know what caused me to start this thing. And if not, leave me to my delusions.


The Disappointment

I love reading science fiction and fantasy and have for years. The explosion of self-published books on Amazon as well as the launch of the Kindle Unlimited program have been a pleasure to explore. The problem for me has always been trying to find that next great book to read when Kindle Unlimited regularly has over 100,000 books in the Scifi/Fantasy section of its library. As I would browse book review websites I found many that covered professionally published books but very few that covered the self-published realm. And the sites I could find seemed bloated with tons of posts about this and that but no simple list of self-published books I could browse through. The other issue is that often book review sites are edited by authors or people that love words and the posts are waaaay too long for me. I want to browse a list of books and then make up my own mind about what to read. Not read a novel, about what novel I should choose to read.



The Result of that Disappointment

From this desire Mr. Book-Stash (MBS) was born, so that in the future people like me will have a place filled with glorious book lists, in a variety of genres, filled with novels that you won’t typically find in your public library. Blog posts will consist of some stats for the book, a brief description, and an even briefer blurb from me posted weekly about self-published books I find, with a sprinkling of professionally published novels mixed in.

I participate in Amazon’s Affiliate program so if you want to support my search for great books click on any Amazon link from my site (usually the picture of the book cover)  then do any shopping you need to do on Amazon and I will get paid a small fee. This money will be used to buy books and pay for the overhead of the website. Per Amazon:

““We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.”

Per the new GDPS legislation for those of you in Europe I use Akismet for spam and you can learn how your data is processed here


Contact ME!

Carrier Pigeons all out with the flu?  Telegraph office closed?

The Answer is simple. 

Shoot me an email at mbstashreviews@gmail.com.

Boom you’re done.  


Check out my Twitter @mbstashreviews