Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

04 May / by: Mr. Book-Stash / 0 comments /

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Book Stats:
Amazon: 4.5/5
Goodreads: 4.37/5
Kindle Unlimited: Yes
Authors Website

Amazon Description: The dream chooses the dreamer, not the other way around–and Lazlo Strange, war orphan and junior librarian, has always feared that his dream chose poorly. Since he was five years old, he’s been obsessed with the mythic lost city of Weep, but it would take someone bolder than he to cross half the world in search of it. Then a stunning opportunity presents itself, in the form of a hero called the Godslayer and a band of legendary warriors, and he has to seize his chance or lose his dream forever.

What happened in Weep two hundred years ago to cut it off from the rest of the world? And who is the blue-skinned goddess who appears in Lazlo’s dreams?
In this sweeping and breathtaking novel by National Book Award finalist Laini Taylor, author of the New York Times bestselling Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy, the shadow of the past is as real as the ghosts who haunt the citadel of murdered gods. Fall into a mythical world of dread and wonder, moths and nightmares, love and carnage.
The answers await in Weep.

Opinion: There are times when I finish the last page of a novel and then close its cover, that I am frustrated with how long it took me to come across a book. Then, when I see how short a time I have to wait till the next books comes out I feel infinitely better because I am not like all those other early adopter schlubs that read the book a year ago or more.

This book was great. The romance wasn’t too thick, which I appreciated, and the way that Laini Taylor weaves her words together and the images they invoked left me with glazed eyes once I finished the book. It took me a bit to come back to the real world because my imagination was so drawn into the story . And isn’t that what you want when you are done with a good fantasy novel? To get so drawn into the story and the characters that it’s jarring when the book is done? Those are the kinds of stories I like to dive into, and that’s the kind of book this is. Laini Taylor’s use of words and images is superb and I think you will enjoy this book and its sequel when it comes out a little later this year. 

The only “negative” thing I have to say about the book is that I don’t think the book cover matches the story at all. People judge books by their covers. I do it. Everyone does it. The cover tells us what kind of book its going to be and the cover of Strange the Dreamer does not convey, at all, the kind of book this is. Ignore the cover and dive right in. 

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