Free Book!

20 Apr / by: Mr. Book-Stash / 0 comments /

To celebrate the official launch of the website I am going to be giving away a brand new, unopened copy of TASCHEN’s East of the Sun, West of the Moon illustrated by Kay Nielsen. It is a gorgeous book with some sweet illustrations.

How it Will Work 

Everyone that subscribes to the mailing list will be automatically eligible for the competition. I will not spam the mailing list. You will just be notified when I post to the blog. I use MailChimp so you can always send them a request to be taken off the list as well. To sweeten the deal on Friday, May 4th I will send out a list 5 free e-books you can get off Amazon.  

The competition starts today and will run till noon, PST, next Saturday, May 5th. One randomly chosen person will be selected and I will send an e-mail to that person to get their mailing address. 

While I am a Noob at this blogging thing I am a Pro at finding, and reading, engaging books. If you have been looking for a good book review website, then you need look no further. 

Illustration is taken from TASCHEN’S website.

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